rack training2h Storage Solutions has partnered with HazardCo to provide its clients with comprehensive, effective but simple-to-use warehouse health and safety packs that are specifically targeted at warehousing, factories, or companies that have warehouse/storage as part of their company operations. Looking for hazard forms?  You have come to the right place.

HazardCo provides you with the following:

  • A policy and plan for your warehousing activities;
  • A H&S pack designed to use on-site by staff that contains H&S induction cards, and the necessary documentation that demonstrates activity monitoring and implementation of your H&S policy;
  • Online forms that allow you to record and report ongoing H&S monitoring and implementation;Hazard Co Safety Sign
  • Targeted signage on H&S and H&S in use of forklifts;
  • On-going advice and support on H&S;
  • Accident support, reporting, and advice.

Cost: HazardCo is a membership service. Annual membership is £150 per year, which includes all advice and support work. The induction packs cost £120. Signs are charged as required at £20 each.


Do you need a warehouse pallet racking safety inspection?
Call our warehouse safety team on 01937 585057 and we will offer you FREE advice on which warehouse safety



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